
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Attractions Cascade At Cikaso Waterfalls

image from mstadw.blogspot
Sukabumi has a variety of attractions cascade. One of them, or known by the Cascade Cikaso. The track is about 33 miles from the coast tile Ujung.

After quite happy to enjoy the charm of the plate Ujung beach, waterfall Cikaso a suitable place to swim in fresh water. Waterfall falls from a height of 30 meters, there's really not a dull view. Waterfall overflow seems majestic and charming. Although a little green, but very clear.

Green moss covering the rocks look like a beautiful carpet. There as guests on an adventure through the land of fantasy. Cikaso not only a place of fatigue, but at the same time enjoy the gift of the divine.

Cikaso is the name of the river, which flows from headwaters are located in the north of Sukabumi to the end with its mouth on the south coast of the region in AD Southern District, Sukabumi. From upstream to the mouth of the river water in some cikaso ceriman cliffs, the river forms the flow is an impressive waterfall. Waterfall between Cikaso Jampang Kulon and AD away.

Edge tiles next to the beach known for its charm, is so rich with waterfalls along the rivers. In addition, there are also Cikaso Curug Luhur, Curug Cigansa and much more.

The trip to this waterfall Cikaso can be started from Kampong Ciniti (40 minutes from the beach tile). Arrival at the end of the village, wooden boat with a capacity of 5-10 people available to take place.

Apart from boat engines, there is also a wooden boat known as a rowing boat or boats. This boat was used to transport residents of sand. But if someone wants to use his services as an introduction to the location of the falls, boat owners will be willing to supply the place.

Not want to fall, the distance between the continents with the actual location far, only the straight line when you walk. However, to facilitate the journey, while enjoying the Cikaso River, you need the path of the river by boat services. Around the outskirts of this river, miners and local communities, non-small sand pit. Of course, what the scene is his own.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Planning Your Adventure Travel

image dari pusattiket.blogspot
You ask yourself as an adventurer? Do you dream of the location and layout of a remote location, a mountain climbing extreme or try something new? Got a kick out of the borders and expand your horizons? If yes, why do you pay for holidays boring? What makes for him to sit somewhere else and be happy bored? Why not try something too active? Whatever type of activity you like, or what you want to restrict waiting outside the press for the book adventure travel for you? Here are some ways to get people to always be bored with the same kind of holiday.

If you are a lover of photography? Have you always wanted to photograph the landscapes of the famous? Photo Explorer tour, you can use your dream. These are the voyages around the world, led by internationally renowned photographers. The company will tour with places in the world. It's fun if you're not a site for his decision. You can spend your vacation at a time convenient for you and then just another insurance group. Photo World Tours plans to visit specific sites, with specific dates. If you're a holiday, to just join another group adventure travel. Intertwine to spontaneity!

If you are in extreme adventure travel, why not a balloon somewhere? How about a rafting adventure in taste? Do you think that came from bungee jumping? Some people enjoy a touch of excitement, parachute jumps. Apparently, there are places to do this in different cities. An option for a vacation adventure is extreme free fall of the Grand Canyon. Take a hot air balloon over the Australian outback. If you decide to become extremists in the world at your feet. A very popular holiday extreme paragliding in India. Explore the sky?

Go on a Llama Trek! Anyone can ride. If you have some crazy adventure travel in the U.S., you can choose to Hurricane Creek Llama Trekking in Oregon. During these walks, camping, and you are responsible for the equipment at home (and if he take it down) and packing and unpacking your bags Lama. In the paths between you and guide you in your llamas or select the llama riding in the desert of Oregon. Can you at any other time in your life when you go to a tower llama?

Of course there are a number of adventure trips that are expensive, but there are also many that are affordable. This celebration does not last too long. Some are just for the day! Why choose to sit and get bored and annoyed by your stay if there are ways that you and the adventure? There are so many adventure tours travel to take the most difficult part of the trip decided to go wherever you want and what you want. Have fun!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Surfing Paradise in Indonesia

image from sumatrapugungtampaksurf
We know Indonesia as a country with a group of islands known as evenly so that the archipelago. So many islands with amazing beaches and waves, which became one of the world a paradise for surfers.

Here's an interesting place in Indonesia, which is a surfing paradise that you deserve to try:

Kuta Beach
Kuta Beach is not an unfamiliar name to you. The beach is so famous is also ideal for surfing. From the morning until late the sun goes down, the beach is crowded with surfers who only learned up to that already pro.

Many surf schools are ready to help you to learn here. A number of local and international competitions are often held here.

Uluwatu Beach
Uluwatu beach has waves big enough and very suitable for international surfers. Around this place there are many choices of accommodation or lodging that offers a wide variety of prices.

Padang-Padang Beach (Bali)
This beach area is located in the hills near Uluwatu. This beach is not visited by many people, so the atmosphere will be very interesting to try to rush the waves here.

With its white sand, this beach also offers a variety of charms to be seen. For a beginner or you are just learning, here are many local guides who are ready to help you to can try surfing sports, including providing information when the best time for surfing.

Senggigi Beach (Lombok)
Surfing point is located in West Lombok, Senggigi beach, exactly, which can travel about 20 minutes from Mataram Airport Selaparang. Not only famous for its white sand, but Senggigi Beach is also known as a place to surf, proved often holding surf contests at this place.

Point surf at Senggigi beach pavilion that jutted out a little. When you to this place many surferers you'll meet here.

Nias Island
Nias Island is 125 kilometers from the west coast of Sumatra, the northern part of Indonesia's largest island. Nias has some world class surfing and is a transit point to travel to neighboring islands such as the Mentawai.

Nias island area is not much different from Bali. Nias is a small island with a length of 140 km and its width is only 50 km. However, due to isolated regions plus the bermedan rough surface makes it a unique place.

Not many know that if at one end of the island of Java provinces have a beach named 'Pantai Plengkung' is favored by surfers the world.

For sports lovers, surfing, beach Plengkung is one of the best places in the world for surfing. Waves on the Beach Plengkung 4-6 meter-high along two miles in the formation of seven waves tiered "go to left" fit ridden by surfers left-handed.

For visitors who want to learn to surf, do not worry because the addition Plengkung Beach for a professional surfer, there are also Batu Lawang Beach to learn. The waves here called "twenty-twenty" which means twenty minute to paddle into the middle and twenty minute enjoy the waves.  

dijahit dari jelajah

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tips Memilih Tenda Buat Pendaki

Melakukan aktifitas di alam terbuka seperti hiking, camping, dll adalah suatu hal yang menyenangkan, apalagi didasari hobi/kesukaan. Hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah peralatan outdoor yang harus dibawa. Salah satunya tentu tenda sebagai tempat berlindung.

Saat ini di pasaran banyak sekali beredar tenda-tenda di penjual tenda yang entah itu dijual secara perseorangan dan dijual di toko-toko outdoor equipment, rata-rata dengan konstruksi tenda dome atau pengembangan dari tunnel tent dan single hope tent. Namun dari semua tenda camping dan alat camping yang dijual dipasaran dewasa ini sebenarnya tidak semuanya cocok dipakai untuk mendaki gunung, ada tenda yang hanya cocok dipakai camping di kaki gunung atau bahkan cocok hanya dipakai untuk camping di halaman belakang rumah.

Pada prinsipnya, membeli tenda pleton dan outdoor equipment dari penjual tenda jangan hanya berdasar nama atau gambar/model saja. Mintalah kepada penjual untuk mendirikan tenda tersebut, kecuali sudah pernah punya tenda dome sejenis atau pinjam temennya. Yang jelas, berusahalah pegang secara fisik.

Nah bagaimana mengetahui ciri-ciri tenda camping yang cocok untuk mendaki gunung? berikut mudah-mudahan tips ini bisa membantu teman-teman dalam memilih tenda dan alat camping yang cocok untuk pendakian gunung.

Tinggi Tenda
Tenda untuk pendakian gunung cenderung konstruksinya lebih rendah dari pada tenda untuk camping, ini dikarenakan untuk lebih tahan terhadap tiupan angin yang lebih kencang didaerah ketinggian gunung ketimbang lokasi camping yang berada lebih rendah di kaki gunung. Pilihlah tenda yang lebih rendah konstruksinya. Tinggi tenda setidaknya maksimal 1 meter atau 40 inci. Ini berdasar pengamatan tenda-tenda di luar negeri rataa-rata tingginya 1m atau dibawahnya. Seperti biasa, makin tinggi tenda makin besar daya tangkap anginnya.

Bahan tenda
Perhatikan bahan tenda pilihlah yang dari nylon jangan pilih tenda yang terbuat dari kain katun bahan bagian dalamnya (inner) terbuat dari katun, jika tenda ini dipakai digunung yang tinggi yang bersuhu lembab akan sangat dingin sekali, tenda ini tidak bisa memberikan isolasi yang baik bagi penghuninya. Tenda dengan bahan jenis ini hanya cocok dipakai untuk camping.

Bentuk Tenda
Hindari memilih tenda yang mempunya bagian terbuka / menganga, apalagi bagian atas, karena akan jadi “santapan” angin, karena angin dan badai adalah kendala utama yang dihadapi jika berada di tempat ketinggian.

Kepkraktisan saat mendirikan.
Usahakan memilih tenda yang mudah dan praktis saat dirakit atau digunakan. Sekiranya ruwet tidak praktis mending cari merk lainnya.

Semoga bermanfaat

dijahit dari berbagai sumber + pengalaman pribadi

Monday, July 12, 2010

Ke Bali Dengan Anggaran Terbatas…kenapa tidak???

image dari
Jika Anda, mengunjungi Bali, anda tidak harus selalu berpikir bahwa Bali itu mahal,. Banyak, backpackers, atau adventurer dapat menikmati libur panjang di Bali, kadang-kadang lebih dari seminggu. Mereka tahu bagaimana menemukan tempat yang murah untuk tinggal, makanan murah, bahkan transportasi murah, seperti sepeda dan sepeda motor. Beberapa hotel, menyediakan beberapa kamar dengan harga murah bagi wisatawan yang mempunyai anggaran yang terbatas.

Jika Anda, menemukan seseorang yang menyewakan ruang untuk menginap, selamat, Anda, mengikuti program Homestay. Anda dapat menemukan lokasi di seluruh Bali, dari kota ke desa-desa. Orang-orang ini menerima backpackers meskipun mereka kadang-kadang dapat berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lancar. Tapi mereka tahu mata uang Anda, terutama dolar, jadi jangan  khawatir tentang pembayaran. Jika Anda punya uang ekstra, Anda dapat memilih hotel, dari yang terendah, ke hotel-hotel mewah bintang lima. Anda bahkan dapat memilih hotel butik berkelas dan elegan. Mereka yang unik untuk jenis lain hotel, dengan tidak banyak kamar, tapi nyata eksklusif. Anda dapat menemukan hotel-hotel di seluruh Bali.

Beberapa lokasi favorit adalah Bukit Jambul, Pura Besakih, Gunung Agung, Seminyak, Tirta Gangga, Kuta, Nusa Dua, Sanur, Ubud, pantai Lovina, Candi Dasa, Tanah Lot, Bedugul, dan banyak lagi. Souvenir juga berlimpah di seluruh Bali, sebagian besar karya seniman tradisional. Berharap untuk menemukan berbagai barang, dari pakaian tradisional untuk kayu ukiran dan bahkan layang-layang. Tidak peduli apa yang Anda lakukan di Bali, ingatlah untuk tetap tenang dan bersantai. Orang Bali yang dikenal memiliki kepribadian yang agak santai, tapi dapat menawarkan layanan kelas dunia. Orang-orang Bali yang terkena berbagai macam budaya dari dunia luar, dan banyak budaya benar-benar berinteraksi dengan baik dengan budaya Bali. Tapi budaya mereka tetap tidak berubah, dan masih ada dalam harmoni dengan budaya lain.

Bali, sebagai pulau tropis, hanya memiliki dua jenis musim, musim kering dan musim hujan. Bahkan ketika hujan, Anda masih bisa merasakan hangatnya matahari atau melihat matahari terbenam dan terbit di beberapa tempat. Merasa suka surfing? Tidak masalah. Bali adalah surga surfing dan seafood. Kuta telah menjadi pilihan utama bagi peselancar kelas dunia berkunjung ke Bali. Pantai Jimbaran dekat Kuta menawarkan berbagai macam makanan lokal dan internasional, terutama makanan laut. Ingatlah untuk menikmati makan malam yang indah di pantai Jimbaran, terutama dengan pasangan Anda, teman, atau kekasih. Ini, menjadikan perjalanan anda tak terlupakan.

Masih kurang infonya….saya bisa referensikan ke temen asli bali gimana memaksimalkan budget anda……


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Trekking in bali

image from asray-rspala.blogspot
Bali has been the favorite destination for tourists for ages. Full of magnificent beaches, breathtaking sceneries, marvellous trinkets and interesting culture. Bali is ideal for people wanting to escape from daily activities, enjoy a honeymoon, or even, have a great time with family and friends.

You can enjoy many activities in Bali. One of them is trekking. Bali trekking activities, Amazing adventure into Balinese culture combine with Bali natural landscape like volcano trekking, jungle trekking and rice paddy trekking. Mount Agung or Gunung Agung is a biggest mountain in Bali. Trekking / climbing to Mt. Agung is one of best Bali trekking adventure.

Don't forget to enjoy a fantastic trekking in Ubud. Ubud Trekking is a essentially short walk that provides compelling insights into Ubud culture & nature , including a close look at rice terraces / rice paddy farming, 

( Subak ) traditional Balinese irrigation, Ubud local people and animal. It is very pleasant to walk through the fields surrounding Ubud, The trekking guide will take you to discover amazing historical sites, visit ancient temples and enjoy the natural beauty of Ubud.

Another great place to enjoye a real trekking in Bali is in Bedugul because this place is a natural bali rain forest, with many multifarious flora, fauna and beautiful lake. Going to the cool and comfortable place where is so far away from noisy and bustle, join in the middle of jungle which is full of various flora and fauna with fresh air and panorama, bird sound, morning dew, and then continues to the Tamblingan Lake and get adventure with traditional woods canoe with friendly Balinese resident guide. the adventures will very amazed with a long way of the forest with beauty of Bali natures. It will be difference and be an unforgettable of your vacation in Bali. To get lunch it’s easy, there are many restaurant outside the forest.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kuliner Bandung Jilid 2

 Sambungannnya nich langsung aja....

•    Jl. Gardujati (Nama tokonya 'DUTI')
•    Jl. Kote (daerah Jl.Sudirman) .. tapinya harus malem
•    Jl. Kasmin (daerah Sudirman)
•    Kedai "Dwi Lingga", Jl. Ganeca, Jl. Burangrang, terus di Jl. Jakarta juga ada. Menunya banyak dan variatif. Enak lagi!

•    Jl. Burangrang, Martabak San Fransisco
•    Jl. Alketeri , Asia Afrika
•    Jl. Sumatera (seberang bioskop Regent)
•    [Intan] Pujasera di Jl. Karapitan yang satu arah, sebelon bioskop Artha

•    Lotek Alkateri, Jl. Alkateri deket belokan Jl. ABC
•    Lotek Kalipah Apo, Jl. Ciguriang - sebelah King Shopping
•    Jl. Moh. Ramdan, dari arah Jl. Pungkur sebelah kiri
•    Di komplek Sumber Sari, seberang BCA
•    Jl Macan
•    Jl.Kelenteng
•    Jl.Mahmud (jam - jam Sekolah) ada nasi bakmoi ama rujak juga...
•    Jl. Haji akbar (deket Kartika Sari)

•    Pasar Sederhana (alamat lebih detil menyusul)
•    Di pinggiran Jl. Cihampelas banyak yang ngejual

•    Jl. Tengku Angkasa, Dipati Ukur
•    Jl. Kalipah Apo , tempat lotek Kalipah apo
•    Jl. Kelenteng
•    Jl. Macan

•    Pasar Balubur, di belakang tukang buah, persis pinggir Jl. Kebon Bibit, depan apotik
•    Jl. Putri (ujung) * Tahu Yun Sen, Jl. Jendral Sudirman
•    Kupat Tahu di Jl. Gempol Wetan (deket pasar, pagi doang)
•    Kupat tahu petis di pertigaan Jl. Reog Jl. Angklung
•    Kupat Tahu petis Jl. Alkateri
•    Kupat tahu petis di Jl. Pungkur, di sebelah Bengkel Teknik Willy's

•    San Fransisco Jl. Burangrang
•    Martabak Jagung Jl. Sudirman deket pasar Andir
•    Martabak Capitol Jl. Sudirman deket Capitol Plaza
•    MARTABAK HOLLAND Jl. Cibadak *
•    GRIN (katanya yang ngejaganya cakep lho..)
•    Gg. Kasmin - Jend. Sudirman * [Intan]
•    Martabak Rumah Makan Asia di Jl. Cipaganti setelah perapatan Eyckman
•    Martabak Sakura, Jl. Lengkong, kalo dari Asia
•    Afrika, adanya di sebelah kiri (martabak keju coklat wijen-nya uenak tenan!)

•    Es Cendol Elizabeth Jln Cihampelas, deket Sapu Lidi Jeans (Banyak tiruannya di Jakarta)
•    Depan toko Elizabeth jalan Otista

•    sate ayam jl. maulana yusuf, seberang Gereja
•    sate jl. kejaksaan (jl.Tamblong ke kiri) samping binatu sate kambing pak karjan jl. Pasirkaliki
•    sate di depan mie naripan (sore aja)
•    sate Madura di jalan Anggrek (masuknya lewat Riau)
•    (sate & gule) Warung Tegal di deket jalan Tol Pasteur
•    (lewatnya dari Maranatha ke paskal)
•    Sate Hadori di seberang Stasiun KA (pangkalan Angkot) masuknya lewat Jl. Kebonjati .. setelah liat
•    Jl. Dulatip, belok kanan
•    Sate kambing Jl.Balonggede ... (seberang Palaguna Plaza) masuk lewat Dalem Kaum .. sebelah kiri Sate Ayam Jl. Gatot Subroto (pujasera)
•    Jl. Karang anyar (Bareng tukang juice)
•    Jl. Aceh (blk. tukang besi, 100 m dari stopan)
•    Sate ayam Blora, Jl. Pasirkaliki. Dari selatan, sebelum perempatan Pajajaran PsKaliki sebelah kanan....di trotoar, malem aja...

•    Jl. Panaitan (Ayam Goreng Nikmat)
•    Jl. Semar & Surya Sumantri (Ayam Semar)
•    Jl. Ayam Goreng Brebes, arah ke Lembang (pas belokan ke kanan, sebelum pom bensin).
•    Ayam Goreng / Bakar + usus + lalap + sambel "Ngudi Rahayu", tempatnya di Jl. Lombok depannya RCTI ..
•    Ayam Suniaraja (Pojokan, depan Hotel Panghegar)
•    Ayam Goreng Tepung Lamping, Jl. Lamping, Cipaganti
•    Ayam goreng Ma Uneh, Pajajaran (sore jam 5) - deket tempat orang buta
•    Ayam Goreng Facktoy (Warung di Suniaraja), deket Hotin
•    Ayam Jogja Jl. Putri dan Jl Kejaksaan
•    Ayam POP Ciumbeluit atas, sesudah UNPAR
•    Ayam rica di Jl Setiabudhi (masuk gang) kira-kira 200m setelah enhaii sebelah kiri
•    Sebelahnya ayam goreng Brebes dan sebelahnya ayam goreng 2001, Lembang.... (sambelnya lebih enak dari Brebes)
•    Ayam goreng Raben, Ciumbeluit
•    Ayam goreng nikmat Jl Sunda (tepatnya sebelah kiri jalan Sunda)
•    Rumah makan Ampera Jl. Sukarnohatta

•    Bubur ayam "Kasohor" Jl. Kepatihan adanya pagi doang
•    Jl. Asia Afrika (deket PR)
•    Gg. Kasmin - Jend. Sudirman
•    Jl. Jend. Sudirman, lewat caringin sebelah kanan, daerah jamika (malem)
•    Perempatan Pasteur-Paskal, deket rumah makan Naya
•    Mang Oyo, Dekat RS. Sumber Asih, depan lapangan, di depan Jl. H. Hasan & H. Wahid (daerah Dipati Ukur)
•    Jl. Pajajaran (dari arah IPTN - melewati jalan Pandu sekitar 20-40 meteran, terletak di sebelah kiri)
•    Warung Bubur "Doel", punya-nya Doel Sumbang, Jl. Trunojoyo. Buburnya lumayan, dan tempatnya asik, deh!

silahkan yang mo nambahin......